Biochemical AI?

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Superman!

No, no, no, but Physarum polycephalum could be either an animal or a fungus! Nobody really knows but its certainly an organism which exhibits some interesting characteristics and some chemical algorithms.

On exhibition in the Paris Zoological Park, Physarum polycephalum has neither eyes, mouth nor stomach but can detect and digest food. Furthermore, if cut in half can heal itself in two minutes.

This slime mould which can have up to 720 sexes has no brain but works by some sort of chemical algorithm. It does have the ability to learn and if two slime moulds merge (yes, they can move), the one which has gained knowledge transmits it to the other.

Obviously, there is great interest in the workings of this organism as it could form the basis for an autonomous AI creature if the algos can be replicated in silicon form.

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